
Individual Counseling

I offer individual counseling sessions for ages 9 and up.

Specialties & Issues:

Anxiety, Depression, & PTSD
Emotional vulnerability and distress tolerance
Life Adjustments 
Low self-esteem
ADHD-related issues
Addiction issues
Social Skills
Coping Skills

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

DBT was created for people that have Borderline Personality Disorder, however, has been known to be helpful for people that struggle with:

  • Eating Disorders
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • ADHD
  • Bipolar
  • Relational Issues
  • and Substance Use Disorder

I will be offering DBT commitment sessions in addition to individual skills training (1x a week) or comprehensive DBT (2x a week). Comprehensive will comprise of going over the skills training material for one session, in addition to an individual DBT session where we will be utilizing diary cards and work on applying the skills training material to their life more thoroughly to help work on reaching their goals at that moment.

This program is available for 14 and up.


Whether it is you struggling with addiction or if you are close to someone who struggles, dealing with addiction can not be done alone. I work with both teens and adults in regards to their struggles with using substances to cope and work on finding more effective ways to cope, working through triggers, and utilizing their support system.

Trauma Work

Let's face it, addressing our pasts is challenging, intimidating and scary. Opening that box up that we have may have had tightly shut for many years is not easy and so essential to help us radically accept and make meaning out of what happened. In therapy, there are a variety of ways to tackle this. The interventions that I utilize include: talk-therapy, trauma narratives and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). 

Here is more information for EMDR linked below:

When addressing trauma it is important to ensure our clients have an effective set of coping skills on hand to help them work through the process in a smooth manner.